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Číslo 6 / 2017

Allergic reaction

Datum: 5. 6. 2017
Autor: Traductera
Allergic reaction

An allergic reaction is an exaggerated response of the immune system to otherwise harmless substances. These substances are thus called allergens. An allergic reaction can be evidenced from a wide range of symptoms varying from mild ones to life-threatening conditions. In the Czech Republic, over two million people suffer from some form of allergy.

Patient: Good morning, nurse. I've been just stung by a hornet and the sting has swollen considerably and turned very red. It hurts and itches and I seem to have a rash.

Nurse: Good morning, Mr Black.  Take a seat. I'll call the doctor. Are you allergic?

Patient: I don't know. I've never been allergic to anything, but on the other hand, I've never been stung by a hornet either.

Nurse: Well, the doctor should be available any minute. Are you experiencing any breathing problems? Do you feel sick?

Patient: No.  If I were allergic, how would it show itself?

Nurse: It depends on the severity of the allergic reaction. At worst, the so-called anaphylactic shock can occur — it is a life-threatening condition and in that case, a patient would need to be taken to the hospital immediately.

Patient: And how can an allergy be cured?

Nurse: First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen. Other treatments involve medication or specific immunotherapy. Well, the doctor will explain all of this to you. You can go through now.

Patient: Thank you, nurse.

Nurse: You're welcome.

Exaggerated přehnaný; nadsazený, zveličený
Otherwise jinak; v opačném případě
Harmless neškodný
Thus tak, a tak, tudíž, tedy
Life-threatening život ohrožující
To sting bodnout, štípnout, poštípat; popálit
Hornet sršeň
Sting žihadlo; štípnutí, bodnutí; pálení; osten
To feel sick být nevolno, na zvracení, být špatně
Severity vážnost, závažnost; přísnost; tvrdost
At worst přinejhorším, v nejhorším případě

Lekce angličtiny pro časopis Florence připravuje překladatelská agentura ACP TRADUCTERA (www.traductera.com).


Ilustrační foto – zdroj: www.healthydietbase.com

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