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Číslo 1 / 2022

Oncology Nurse at a Glance

Datum: 9. 2. 2022

Oncology Nurse at a Glance

Oncology refers to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. As an Oncology Nurse, you’ll be a crucial member of cancer care teams, providing expertise and support to individuals with a scary diagnosis. Because of the nature of these diagnoses, being an Oncology Nurse requires a strong capacity for compassion and an ability to function at a high level in emotionally stressful settings. While this may seem disheartening, it’s important to note that your service as an Oncology Nurse provides your patients with a valuable base of support in their fight to overcome the odds and exit a survivor. Not all superheroes wear capes…some wear scrubs.

What is an Oncology Nurse?

An Oncology Nurse works with patients who have, or who are at risk of getting, cancer. Oncology Nurses provide necessary assessments, administer treatments and communicate with all patient care providers to help develop a plan tailored to each patient’s needs. Because of their constant one-on-one time with their patients, Oncology Nurses tend to form strong and lasting relationships with the people under their care, as well as their families. Cancer patients and their loved ones look to Oncology Nurses to answer pressing questions, provide emotional validation, and address symptoms they might be experiencing.

These relationships are crucial in creating a comprehensive plan of treatment beyond addressing the cancer itself. Oncology Nurses know what their patients need mentally and emotionally to give them the strength to face their diagnosis head on and provide a pillar of stability for them to lean on when the physical and emotional stresses of cancer treatment begin to take their toll.

What’s the Demand for Oncology Nurses?

Unfortunately, the number of cancer patients is increasing every year, so Oncology Nurses are always in demand. Beyond just filling positions with people who have clinical expertise, hospitals and cancer care centres want Oncology Nurses who are compassionate and clear communicators, and who can handle the emotional toll of a profession where many patients are terminally ill.

Source: Johnson and Johnson. Nursing. Oncology Nurse at a Glance. [online]. Available from: https://nursing.jnj.com/specialty/oncology-nurse.



at a glance – letmým pohledem; na první pohled
scary – nahánějící hrůzu, strašidelný
compassion – soucit, soustrast, účast
disheartening – skličující, deprimující, odrazující
valuable – cenný, užitečný; vzácný, drahocenný
fight – zápas, boj; rvačka, bitka; hádka, spor
to overcome the odds – překonat překážky
to exit a survivor – odejít jako ten, kdo přežil
cape – přehoz, plášť, pelerína, kápě, pláštěnka
scrubs – medicínský oděv
tailored – přizpůsobený, připravený, na míru
one-on-one – jeden na jednoho
to tend to – tíhnout k čemu, přiklánět se, mít tendenci
lasting – pevný, trvalý
pressing – neodkladný, palčivý, naléhavý
validation – utvrzení, potvrzení, ověření; validace
to address – zaměřit se na, věnovat se čemu
comprehensive – detailní, zevrubný; obsáhlý, rozsáhlý; všeobecný
head on – čelem
pillar – pilíř; sloup
to take its toll – vybrat si svou daň
demand – požadavek, požádání; urgence, upomínka; poptávka
to handle – zacházet, manipulovat; řešit, vyřešit; dotýkat se; zabývat se
terminally ill – smrtelně nemocný

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